• My girl was transformed from a fearfull child to an efficient, self assured and dynamic child. With full confidence towards people and different faces it was a difficult situation for her to surpass. She defends her opinion with arguments and she is not afraid the criticisms from others (and/or mine). She has learned to organize her time and she puts priorities so that annihilates her stress. She has made a lot of new friends. I became more discreet, less anxious and I now I trust my child, I recognize her abilities and actions. The most important is that finally I separate my own fears and feelings from hers. Our daily life has become better and ourinterpersonal relationship-connection are deeper and happier.

• My son was overwhelmed with anger. We were the those to be blamed for this. With the Self-esteem program he opened up little by little. His friends started to come closer to him, and they have now accepted him. He no longer feared of dyslexia and he began to believe in himself. He now says his opinion fearlessly and he doesn't accept any insults. Now he set goals for his future. I was glad to hear from the professors in High school that he is the best child.


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